Tax included.
Our Tokens are the perfect solution to keep track of key abilities during your 10th edition games.
This set can be purchased as a Complete Bundle at a discount with every token, or as smaller sets specific to the different detachments and/or a core set for unit abilities from the new codex.
Made from high-quality materials, these tokens are durable and easy to use. Say goodbye to messy pencil marks, confusing notes or dice, and say hello to simpler, more organized gameplay with our Tokens.
This material is half the thickness (1.5mm) of our usual acrylic tokens, has a softer feel and is available in 14 colours.
The Complete Set includes every token below with or without the Guided, Observer & Spotted tokens.
The sets are broken down as follows:
Core Token Set
- Teachings: -1 CP cost strat available this round
- Suppressed: -1 to Hit (x2)
- Re-Roll Hits & Wounds of 1 (x2) - designed to be placed around Spotted
- War Leader: -1 CP cost strat available this round
- Honour Available: Remove Battle Shock removed within 12”
- Nova Available
- Feast: 5+ FNP
- Scouting: Re-Roll Hits vs Unit
- Fieldcraft: Objective Secured x2
- Bounty: Lethal Hits & Precision vs Unit
- Nova Available
- 9x Observer Tokens (in multiple colours)
- 9x Spotted Tokens (in multiple colours)
- 9x Guided Tokens (in multiple colours)
Patient Hunter Detachment
- Exemplar: Detachment Rule in effect from Turn 2
- Precision: +1 to Hit with Ranged & +1 to wound from Turn 3 onwards
- Projection: Can redeploy 3 units
- Unity: When Observing the Guided unit gains Lethal Hits vs Spotted Unit
- Trap: +1 to Wound with ranged vs units within range
- Coordinate: +1BS vs Spotted Unit. Ignores Cover if Markerlight
- Ambush: +1 AP within 9”
- Photon: -2 to Charge
Killing Blow Detachment
- Exemplar: Unit also gains Killing Blow in Turn 4
- Strike: Before moving Scouts, 2 non-scout units within 6” gain Scouts 6”
- Conqueror: While bearer is alive, friendly units are +1 OC while in range of chosen Objective
- Conqueror Objective
- Exploitation: When Observing the Guided unit gains Sustained Hits 1 vs Spotted Unit
- Counter: Re-Roll Hits vs Unit(x2)
- Focused Fire: +1 AP vs Target Unit (x2)
- Target Token
- Debarkation: Re-Roll Wounds vs closest Unit
- Shaken: -2 Move, Advance & Charge
- Counterfire: Reduce DMG by 1
Hunting Pack Detachment
- Flock: Unit gains Ignores Cover & no Reserves set up within 12”
- Nomadic: Unit gains +3 Move & Assault
- Root Weapons: Bearer gains Precision & Devastating Wounds
- Gland: Unit gains 5+ Crit Hits
- Trap: +1 AP vs Unit
- EMP: -1 WS & BS
- Feast: Enemies within 6” must test for Battle-Shock in their next Command
- Phase. -1 if below half strength
- Guerrilla: Fall Back & Charge
- Hidden: Can only be targeted within 18”
Retaliation Detachment
- Neurochip: On 4+ gain 1 CP when targeting bearer’s unit with a stratagem
- Starflare: End of enemy turn can go into Reserves if not engaged
- Grenade Racks: Gain Grenades keyword. Roll 6xD6 when normal moving over an enemy unit; each 4+ = 1 Mortal
- Prototype: Choose Lethal or Sustained Hits 1 when shooting
- Protocol: Sustained Hits 1 vs 6 or more models, Sustained Hits 2 vs 11 or more
The photo is the finished product and has been designed to be as clear as possible. No clean-up such as removing plastic backing or painting the engraved parts of the tokens is required.
Pro Painted Studios products are not affiliated with or endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.