TOURNAMENT Best Army Photos - BLACKOUT 2019

Run by event veteran Chris Tomlin, BLACKOUT has remained one of my favourite events in the tournament calendar (and one of the largest). Hosted at Firestorm Games in Cardiff it is the perfect combination of gaming, location, and socialising!

1st Place Best Army

Stephen Smith - Gloomspite Gitz

Steve completely surprised us all with this outstanding Gloomspite Gitz army, he somehow managed to resist sharing virtually everything on social media so it was a delight to take in all the detail 'in the flesh'. Check out those cobwebs!

2nd Place Best Army

John Greene - Mixed Order

John has been no stranger to nominations and awards in the recent years, his striking black and neon green scheme always draws attention. This time I took some effort to photograph some new units as these are all heavily converted and really convey the twisted look he is going for.

3rd Place Best Army

Tom Fownes - Mixed Order

Tom delighted the attendees with his display board, conversions and 'Cabin in the Woods' theme.

Best Army Nominations

Mark Saunders - Beastclaw Raiders


Joel Smith - Maggotkin of Nurgle


Chris Lewis (Binx) - Hedonites of Slaanesh


Matt Clarke - Idoneth Deepkin



Paul Buckler - Seraphon


Ben Johnson - Hedonites of Slaanesh


Ritchie - Kharadron Overlords


Mike Wilson - Hedonites of Slaanesh

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