TOURNAMENT Army Photos - South Coast Grand Tournament 2018
I attended the South Coast Grand Tournament 2018 last weekend and was lucky enough to take some photos of armies people had laid out on the Saturday. Take a look at the swathe of beautiful forces!
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Striking colour schemes on Mike Wilson's Slaanesh
Excellent basing on show
No detail has been skipped!
Nagash completing with personal lighting!
Loving all the light elements
Big fan of this converted Free Peoples/Death Army
Great touches on the mount conversion
Simple headswap = complete change in character
Ian Spink's crazy Bonespitterz
The yellow elements really help draw the eye
Boars and Stabbas - what;s not to like!
Very well executed cold Slyvaneth
Love the weapon colour
Which has been carried over to Drycha
Treelord has a bit more 'life' in this colour scheme
Paul Whitehead has panted a Deepkin army already!
A sexy Trio!
One of Bryan Carmichael's Dragons
I've always loved the sculpts of these Bolt Throwers
Great execution of snow actually on the models
Takes a brave person to do this, but I love it!
Dan Ford's Maggotkin of Nurgle army with display board!
Love the purples on this Stormcast Army
Frost Phoenix's have been a popular addition
Some subtle conversions
Les Martin's gorgeous Stormcast Eternals
Les is the kind of a smooth transition!
Great use of Mini-Morathi in a Death army
Another great Stormcast Army (with another Frost Phoenix)
Great colour choices of the Stardrake here
Mike Burges new Slyvanth army, very striking airbrush work
The extra details on Alarielle really help her stand out
This basing is excellent
Ian Hanna's Stormcast were a delight to see in the flesh
Love the mounts skin colour and freehand stripes
Excellent conversions, check out that cloak patterning
John Greene's eerie Mixed Order army
Great example of rusted armour
Love these models, remind me of WoW Fel Wardens
Another Frost Phoenix!
Great use of the Ethereal theme here
40 Acolytes, someone deserves a medal!
Nice bit of freehand on the book
Great to see Skaven still representing
James Hayday's Vanguard Themed Stormcasts with a lovely purple/red
Terry Pike's mixed Chaos with the addition of his Phenomenal Kairos
Better shot of Kairos
Tim Fisher's Warherd built from Mierce Miniatures, love the vibrant blue
Great example of the use of strong contrasts
Ben Smith's crazy Xmas themed Destruction army
A lovely Seraphon army, particularly liked the Starseer
An excellent Pirate themed Death army
Some Great touches with the banners
Took me a moment to realize the hull was a Gunhauler!
Jimbo9Jimbo's Monster Mash Slyvaneth Army
A converted Celestant Prime
Ben Johnson's Daughters of Khaine, love the hair colour
Yet another great Slyvaneth army
Adam Hazelwood's Mixed Order list, the archers are very 'Assasins Creed' to me