From Ember to Inferno 2 - Month 3 - Aaron Bailey

Disciples of Tzeentch - Month Three

Hey FETI fans!

As I mentioned last month unfortunately I’m having to compromise on quality to a point in order to catch up with the others, but given time constraints I’m happy with the overall look of this months additions.

I’ve tried to keep the thunder hawk blue, black, thousand sons blue and screamer pink consistent through the army, and maintain a dark and mysterious overall feel to the army. The skyfires feel like they’ve ticked all of these boxes for me.

I actually got these done to a much higher standard than I was anticipating, although I hope to come back and add a few finishing touches once the tale is over.

I feel more than a little embarrassed to be showing these off around the time the other guys are flaunting their incredible finished armies. Each one has a tonne of character and the guys should be really proud of what they have each accomplished.

Month 1

Tzaangor Shaman - 150

10 Pink Horrors - 200

10 Kairic Acolytes - 100

Month 2

10 Chaos Warriors - 200

Magister on Disc of Tzeentch - 140

Month 3

6 Tzaangor Skyfires - 400

Total = 1190

I really can’t wait to get these forces on the gaming table after lockdown is over and warhammer is safe again!

Next month I plan to add the remaining contents of the Start Collecting! Slaves To Darkness box in a similar scheme to the warriors from last month.

As always, thanks for following our progress, and thanks for the great feedback on my previous month’s work, I was over the moon!


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